Profil Gaya Belajar Siswa Kelas X SMK Plus Sabilur Rosyad

  • Endah Mardewanti Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Gempol Pasuruan, Indonesia
Keywords: Learning Style, SMK Student, SMK Plus Sabilur Rosyad


The purpose of this study was to determine the profile of student learning styles of SMK Plus Sabilur Rosyad majoring in TKJ in Sidoarjo City. The method used is a survey by filling out a learning style questionnaire developed by DePorter & Hernacki. The results of the three learning style tendencies developed by DePotter & Hernacky, namely audiotory, visual and kinesthetic, showed that from 34 students it was known that as many as 44% (15 students) had auditory learning styles, 26% (9 students) kinesthetic learning styles, 24% (8 students) had a visual learning style and 6% (2 students) had a mixed learning style between auditory and kinesthetic. The level of student learning styles for auditory learning styles at high levels, kinesthetic learning styles at medium levels, visual learning styles at medium levels, and mixed learning styles between auditory and kinesthetic at medium levels.
