Modifikasi Rasio Puley dengan Pulley Motor Terhadap Daya Hisap Blower

  • Anastas Rizaly Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Gempol Pasuruan, Indonesia
  • Muhammad Nadirin Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Gempol Pasuruan, Indonesia
Keywords: Production Process, Pulley Ratio, Blower Flow Capacity


In a furniture company using a blower to suck up the remaining split or cut waste from the production process, to meet the production demand volume that increases significantly each year the company has a policy to add production machines, with this policy it is also necessary to increase the suction power of the blower. Application of Environmental Technology through the Implementation of Cleaning Production can be done with a simple method and sometimes does not require large investment costs. Increasing the blower rotation to maximize the suction power of the blower also benefits the production environment and provides comfort to the production machine operator because of the reduction in dust that can interfere with the respiratory system. In the Cleaning Production Increase process which is carried out in turns to modify the pulley on each blower that requires greater suction power, this effort succeeded in increasing the suction power from 23.73 m3 / minute to 37.29 m3 / minute or around 11.06% of the previous suction, By increasing the suction power of the blower, dust or wood cutting waste produced in the production process can be sucked up optimally so that the production environment becomes clean and provides comfort to the operator because the dust from the production process no longer interferes with the respiratory system.
